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Cherry & Marzipan Cake
By Oliver's Coffee House

2 X 6” loose bottomed tins
1lb margarine
1lb caster sugar
8 eggs
1lb SR flour
8oz ground almonds
1lb cherries, halved
Few drops almond essence
Few flaked almonds to top
  1. Cream margarine and sugar.
  2. Slowly add eggs.
  3. Add flour in 3 lots.
  4. Fold ground almonds and cherries into mixture using a metal spoon. Add almond essence and mix.
  5. Spoon ¼ of the mixture into each tin – roughly 2½ spoonfuls.
  6. Roll our marzipan into two circles using icing sugar to stop it sticking.
  7. Place one circle in each greased and lined tin and top with remaining mixture.
  8. Decorate with a few flaked almonds.
  9. Bake in a 145C oven for 1½ - 2 hours
  10. To stop the cake burning put greaseproof paper over the top towards the end of the cooking time. Put a baking tray at the bottom of the oven in case mixture spills out.

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