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Willow Meringues
By Willow Tea Rooms, The

Serve with Whipped Double Cream and Fruit
Makes 14 meringue halves
4 medium egg whites
225g 8oz castor sugar
A pinch of salt

  1. Preheat the oven to 300F/150C/130C Fan/Gas 2.
  2. Lightly oil two baking sheets and line with baking parchment.
  3. Place the egg whites and pinch of salt in a large dry, clean grease free bowl and whisk into soft peaks. (Do not get any yolk in to bowl or meringues will not work)
  4. To test for right consistency, tip the bowl at an angle – if the mixture doesn’t slide out, it’s ready.  It should also look slightly dry.  Take care not to over beat or the whites will collapse.
  5. Whisk in the sugar, about one tablespoon at a time, making sure that you whisk thoroughly after each addition.
  6. When all the sugar is whisked in, the mixture should be smooth, thick and glossy and form stiff sharp peaks when the beaters are lifted out.
  7. Place dessertspoonfuls of the mixture slightly apart on the baking sheets.
  8. Place in the oven, reduce the oven to 140C 275F Gas 1 and bake for 1 hour.
  9. Turn off the heat and leave in the oven for 1 hour.

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